My first book, When Postpartum Packs a Punch: Fighting Back and Finding Joy, recently celebrated one year at market.
A personal account of my encounter with postpartum depression, and revelatory of other parents’ journeys through perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, it’s gathered praise from the parents, experts, and the literary world.
One of the book’s hallmarks is the power of shared stories, and how these stories are an often-overlooked key to healing and an antidote for stigma.
Libraries in 37 states and three countries have acquired it. Earlier this month it was nominated for a 2018 TopShelf Indie Book Award.
To herald the one-year mark, I worked with my publisher to update the front and back covers. Part of the Publishers Weekly review is on the front, and I revised the back-cover copy–because editing is never really done. We’ve also expanded the inside-front review section, which showcases reactions from experts.
It’s available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s, and IndieBound.
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