Happy Mother’s Day

The late author Walt Chantry shared wise words about motherhood—they seem to speak to everyone: Moms, grandmothers, children of any age, those who’ve lost moms. The reference to Moses’s mother reminds me of my own mom. She left this life young, unable to see much of the

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To Begin Again

If summer is about the wide embrace of warmth and wandering at will, the school year keeps freedoms of its own. The first day reveals a brand-new stage where unseen possibilities begin to dance. It is a time to let go, fraught with questions and the promise

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One Cool Dad

My dad was cool. I didn’t see him that way when I was a kid. Once I became a parent myself, I came around to acknowledging he’d been a good parent. But it wasn’t until after he passed away that I glimpsed the cool guy he was

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What Not to Say to Pregnant Women

As I ventured through my first pregnancy, everything was new, including the way people talked to me. Strangers, family and friends sometimes let their opinions fly, no matter how insensitive. I recently shared this with a nurse in my OB-GYN’s office, a woman with extended experience caring

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