Happy Birthday, Legacies!

Earlier this year, my Legacies book celebrated two years on the market. My co-author, Christy, invited readers to review it. We received several reviews, and Christy drew a name from among them to win a free copy. The winner wrote this: So far, we don’t know who “K” is, despite

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Praying Hands

Ten years ago today we lost my brother Jim. At forty-seven, he was in his prime. I lament the unfinished promise of his life, and all that it held for his two sons. I mourn for my sister’s children and my own, for all they lost in

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Somewhere In Time: How Second Chances Heal

In the summer of 2018, my dad died. Twice. The first time, he was alone, slumped over the wheel of his truck. A swarm of good Samaritans revived him. One smashed through the glass of his passenger door. Several others hoisted him onto the sidewalk. A nursing

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Win a Book, Read It, and Review It!

Book reviews are akin to manna for authors and readers alike. They help readers determine whether a title is worth their time and attention. For authors, they drive visibility and sales. Yet reviews can be elusive, especially for independent authors. This week’s giveaway looks to change that

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Who’s That Guy? Enter to Win a Book!

As we continue celebrating the one-year anniversary of When Losses Become Legacies, this week’s giveaway challenges you to name the person in the picture below, and how he’s related to the Legacies book. Enter by Sunday, May 21, through the comments on this post, or on my

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A Giveaway to Honor Mom

Welcome to three weeks of book giveaways! This week’s contest will honor our moms. Between now and Mother’s Day—Sunday, May 14—submit one sentence that captures your mom. Whether she’s here or on the other side of time, we want to hear about her distinctive qualities. Comment directly

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When Losses Become Legacies Turns One

My latest book, When Losses Become Legacies: Memoirs on Grief, God, and Glory, is turning one. To celebrate, my co-author, Christy, and I are hosting a print-book giveaway for each of the three weeks starting next Monday, May 8. All of the contests will be open for

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