Summer Reading

It’s summer, the long-dreamed-of season brimming with beaches, barbecues, and … books. Who doesn’t love diving into a good story while soaking up the sun? Here are some titles to add to your reading list.  Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health, by Casey

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News You Can Use: Summer 2024 Edition

In March, leaked files revealed gender ideologues at the helm of the biggest transgender health-care group in the world, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. According to the New York Post, WPATH pushes “hormonal and surgical transitions for minors, including stomach-wrenching experimental procedures designed to create sexless bodies that

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AmFest 2023

The week before Christmas, my son and I attended America Fest (AmFest) in Phoenix. Sponsored by Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point and geared toward young and rising voters, it was four days of inspiration. We heard from the best and brightest thinkers and leaders, and interacted with authors

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