Note to readers: Some descriptions in this story are graphic. Please use caution when clicking on links, particularly those within sensitive paragraphs. Though the images are soul-searing, they breed understanding and empathy. Within the span of about eight hours on October 7, 3,000 Hamas terrorists tortured, raped,
Read more →This week will be one of the worst in U.S. history. The death toll from COVID-19 is expected to soar to a dark summit. The emotional load will be heaviest. We watch daily briefings like children eating vegetables: We hesitate. We flinch. We hold our noses, and
Read more →My paternal grandmother was a young girl when she and her parents fled war-torn Greece for the United States. Beleaguered by the constant fighting between the Greeks and the Turks, they had seen family and friends slaughtered. America promised safety and shelter. My great-grandfather, Gus, landed in
Read more →On Sept. 11, 2001 I lived in Arlington, Va., a few miles from the Pentagon. When terrorists slammed a jetliner into the famed fortress, I was riding the subway to work, temporarily unaware that my city and my country were under attack. At work I huddled with
Read more →If you’ve ever wondered where a mom’s quality of life is best, it’s Norway, according to a new report by Save the Children, an international nonprofit group. The report says Norway earned the top spot due to a number of factors, including: It has the highest ratio
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